
"I am not worthy of love." 

I started my last blog post with the line, "I don't know what I want right now when it comes to sex, love, dating, and relationships. What is next? Where do I go from here?".

And I don't have those answers yet.

But instead, I am balls deep in...


Break-Ups and Dating Post-Divorce

To be honest, I don't know what I want right now when it comes to sex, love, dating, and relationships. What is next? Where do I go from here? There's a little voice inside of my head that is ready to just give up and constantly tells me that 'my life is over'. There have been periods of...


Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Serena Rose, a sex, love, dating, and relationships coach and experienced card reader. I work with clients to heal their traumas, wounds, limiting beliefs, and communication skills so they can live a life of power, presence, and purpose.

More about me

My methods

Three paths to explore:

To take you where you can't take yourself.
You're not supposed to do it alone.
Predict the future by creating it.

Let's get to know each other better...

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